Acklen | Bradley | Lieutenant | DET |
CCC Corrections/Security | (318) 677-5264 |
Baird | Gary | Lieutenant | OPS |
Identification/CSI | (318) 681-0643 |
Barker | Trixie | Manager | ADM |
Finance | (318) 681-0655 |
Bordelon | Victor | Sergeant | OPS |
Training | (318) 453-5728 |
Brooks | Patrick | Sergeant | OPS |
Patrol | (318) 681-1112 |
Brown | Tiffiney | Sergeant | DET |
Classification | (318) 677-5275 |
Bryant | Martha | Director | OPS |
Communications | (318) 675-2240 |
Butler | David | Sergeant | DET |
CCC Corrections/Security | (318) 677-5464 |
Carmack | Lisa | Manager | OPS |
Homeland Security | (318) 675-2255 |
Childress | John | Sergeant | DET |
CCC SIU | (318) 677-5265 |
Corbett | Richard | Captain | OPS |
Court Liaison/Probation | (318) 681-0602 |
Cornelius | Aaron | Director | DET |
Re-Entry Center | (318) 681-0700 |
Cowden | Matthew | Captain | OPS |
Patrol | (318) 681-1117 |
Crawford | Diana | Director | ADM |
Finance | (318) 681-0619 |
Daniel | Christopher | Sergeant | OPS |
Detectives - CID | (318) 681-0718 |
Davis | Chad | Sergeant | OPS |
Marine Unit | (318) 681-0725 |
Davis | LaTienda | Captain | OPS |
Community Relations and Crime Prevention | (318) 681-0874 |
Dibler | Ryan | Sergeant | DET |
CCC Corrections/Security | (318) 422-9805 |
Dinkins | Alfred | Sergeant | DET |
CCC Corrections/Security | (318) 677-5254 |
Douglas | Steve | Sergeant | OPS |
Patrol | (318) 453-5732 |
Dunn | Roland | Sergeant | DET |
Bailiffs | (318) 681-0558 |
Edmondson | Frank | Sergeant | ADM |
Internal Affairs | (318) 681-0842 |
Farris | Rickey | Chief Deputy | ADM |
Administration | (318) 677-5318 |
Fredieu | Laura | Manager | DET |
CCC Inmate Programs | (318) 677-5268 |
Gonzalez | Robert | Manager | ADM |
Personnel | (318) 681-0837 |
Gray | Michael | Lieutenant | OPS |
Patrol | (318) 681-1147 |
Griffin | Marvette | Director | ADM |
Civil | (318) 681-0649 |
Griffin | Lori | Director | DET |
CCC Mental Health | (318) 677-5268 |
Guerrero | James | Sergeant | OPS |
Patrol | (318) 681-0755 |
Hall | Roderick | Sergeant | DET |
CCC Booking | (318) 677-5254 |
Hay | John | Sergeant | OPS |
Patrol Staff | (318) 681-1121 |
Hayes | Kelli | Director | DET |
CCC Medical | (318) 677-5270 |
Henry | Felicia | Sergeant | DET |
CCC Corrections/Security | (318) 677-5254 |
Herring | Bobby | Captain | DET |
CCC Administration | (318) 681-0771 |
Hicks | Ardise | Director | DET |
CCC Food Services | (318) 677-5266 |
Hill | Kris | Lieutenant | DET |
CCC Corrections/Security | (318) 677-5254 |
Jackson | Donna | Lieutenant | OPS |
Patrol | (318) 681-0730 |
Jackson | Lifford | Sergeant | ADM |
Community Relations and Crime Prevention | (318) 681-0872 |
Johnson | Shron | Captain | ADM |
Internal Affairs | (318) 427-9436 |
Johnson | Vickie | Director | ADM |
Fines and Bonds | (318) 681-0583 |
Johnson | Susan | Manager | ADM |
Tax Revenue | 681-0531 |
Jones | Darwin | Commander | OPS |
Patrol Staff | (318) 681-1126 |
Jones | Lisa | Sergeant | OPS |
Training | (318) 681-0735 |
Jones | Casey | Sergeant | OPS |
Detectives - CID | (318) 681-0775 |
Jump | Robert | Captain | OPS |
Homeland Security | (318) 675-2255 |
Kendrick | Tamara | Sergeant | OPS |
Patrol | (318) 675-2170 |
King | Michael | Sergeant | OPS |
Youth Services | (318) 681-0771 |
Laney | Donnie | Lieutenant | ADM |
Civil | (318) 681-0862 |
Lanier | Ashley | Manager | DET |
CCC Medical | (318) 677-5270 |
Lawrence | Erik | Lieutenant | ADM |
Internal Affairs | (318) 681-0848 |
Leary | Avery | Captain | OPS |
Training | (318) 681-0742 |
LeBlanc | Tony | Lieutenant | OPS |
Homeland Security | (318) 675-2255 |
Lister | Justine | Director | DET |
CCC Jail Records | (318) 677-5254 |
Marshall | Darin | Captain | OPS |
Detectives - CID | (318) 427-9435 |
Miles | Ondray | Lieutenant | OPS |
Patrol | (318) 681-1159 |
Montoya | Robert | Lieutenant | DET |
CCC Corrections/Security | (318) 677-5254 |
Moore | James | Lieutenant | DET |
CCC SIU | (318) 677-5308 |
Morgan | Jason | Lieutenant | OPS |
Detectives - CID | (318) 681-0712 |
Norwood | James | Sergeant | OPS |
Patrol | (318) 464-9637 |
Perry | Roderick | Lieutenant | OPS |
Patrol | (318) 681-1139 |
Phillips | Ralph | Sergeant | DET |
CCC Booking | (318) 677-5254 |
Presley | Robert | Sergeant | OPS |
Patrol | (318) 681-0772 |
Raborn | Sabrina | Manager | DET |
Re-Entry Center | (318) 841-0473 |
Robinson | David | Lieutenant | OPS |
Operations - Records | (318) 681-0648 |
Roraback | Gilbert | Captain | DET |
CCC Administration | (318) 677-5254 |
Scoggins | Leonard | Lieutenant | OPS |
Patrol Staff | (318) 681-1120 |
Spikes | Rodney | Sergeant | OPS |
Patrol Staff | (318) 681-0725 |
Stewart | Kevin | Sergeant | OPS |
Operations - Records | (318) 681-0647 |
Thomas | Felix | Sergeant | OPS |
Identification/CSI | (318) 681-0641 |
Thomas | Zachery | Lieutenant | DET |
CCC Corrections/Security | (318) 677-5264 |
Thompson | Jeremy | Manager | ADM |
Information Technology | (318) 681-0678 |
Turner Jr | Leroy | Sergeant | DET |
CCC Corrections/Security | (318) 677-5264 |
Vaitkus | Michael | Lieutenant | OPS |
Patrol | (318) 681-1116 |
Viola | Steven | Director | OPS |
Fleet Maintenance | (318) 681-1106 |
Walker | Carlos | Lieutenant | DET |
Bailiffs | (318) 677-5254 |
White | Dexter | Sergeant | OPS |
Patrol | (318) 681-0755 |
Whitten | Maurice | Lieutenant | DET |
CCC Transportation | 318677 |
Williams | Durrell | Sergeant | DET |
CCC Corrections/Security | (318) 677-5254 |
Wilson | Brian | Director | ADM |
Information Technology | (318) 681-0693 |
Witham, Jr. | John | Sergeant | OPS |
Narcotics-OCD | (318) 427-9432 |
Woods | Christopher | Sergeant | OPS |
Patrol | (318) 677-5254 |
Wynn | Tabatha | Sergeant | OPS |
Patrol | (318) 510-4785 |
Lieutenant Bradley Acklen
Detention • CCC Corrections/Security
(318) 677-5264 |
Lieutenant Gary Baird
Operations • Identification/CSI
(318) 681-0643 |
Manager Trixie Barker
Administrative • Finance
(318) 681-0655 |
Sergeant Victor Bordelon
Operations • Training
(318) 453-5728 |
Sergeant Patrick Brooks
Operations • Patrol
(318) 681-1112 |
Sergeant Tiffiney Brown
Detention • Classification
(318) 677-5275 |
Director Martha Bryant
Operations • Communications
(318) 675-2240 |
Sergeant David Butler
Detention • CCC Corrections/Security
(318) 677-5464 |
Manager Lisa Carmack
Operations • Homeland Security
(318) 675-2255 |
Sergeant John Childress
Detention • CCC SIU
(318) 677-5265 |
Captain Richard Corbett
Operations • Court Liaison/Probation
(318) 681-0602 |
Director Aaron Cornelius
Detention • Re-Entry Center
(318) 681-0700 |
Captain Matthew Cowden
Operations • Patrol
(318) 681-1117 |
Director Diana Crawford
Administrative • Finance
(318) 681-0619 |
Sergeant Christopher Daniel
Operations • Detectives - CID
(318) 681-0718 |
Sergeant Chad Davis
Operations • Marine Unit
(318) 681-0725 |
Captain LaTienda Davis
Operations • Community Relations and Crime Prevention
(318) 681-0874 |
Sergeant Ryan Dibler
Detention • CCC Corrections/Security
(318) 422-9805 |
Sergeant Alfred Dinkins
Detention • CCC Corrections/Security
(318) 677-5254 |
Sergeant Steve Douglas
Operations • Patrol
(318) 453-5732 |
Sergeant Roland Dunn
Detention • Bailiffs
(318) 681-0558 |
Sergeant Frank Edmondson
Administrative • Internal Affairs
(318) 681-0842 |
Chief Deputy Rickey Farris
Administrative • Administration
(318) 677-5318 |
Manager Laura Fredieu
Detention • CCC Inmate Programs
(318) 677-5268 |
Manager Robert Gonzalez
Administrative • Personnel
(318) 681-0837 |
Lieutenant Michael Gray
Operations • Patrol
(318) 681-1147 |
Director Marvette Griffin
Administrative • Civil
(318) 681-0649 |
Director Lori Griffin
Detention • CCC Mental Health
(318) 677-5268 |
Sergeant James Guerrero
Operations • Patrol
(318) 681-0755 |
Sergeant Roderick Hall
Detention • CCC Booking
(318) 677-5254 |
Sergeant John Hay
Operations • Patrol Staff
(318) 681-1121 |
Director Kelli Hayes
Detention • CCC Medical
(318) 677-5270 |
Sergeant Felicia Henry
Detention • CCC Corrections/Security
(318) 677-5254 |
Captain Bobby Herring
Detention • CCC Administration
(318) 681-0771 |
Director Ardise Hicks
Detention • CCC Food Services
(318) 677-5266 |
Lieutenant Kris Hill
Detention • CCC Corrections/Security
(318) 677-5254 |
Lieutenant Donna Jackson
Operations • Patrol
(318) 681-0730 |
Sergeant Lifford Jackson
Administrative • Community Relations and Crime Prevention
(318) 681-0872 |
Captain Shron Johnson
Administrative • Internal Affairs
(318) 427-9436 |
Director Vickie Johnson
Administrative • Fines and Bonds
(318) 681-0583 |
Manager Susan Johnson
Administrative • Tax Revenue
681-0531 |
Commander Darwin Jones
Operations • Patrol Staff
(318) 681-1126 |
Sergeant Lisa Jones
Operations • Training
(318) 681-0735 |
Sergeant Casey Jones
Operations • Detectives - CID
(318) 681-0775 |
Captain Robert Jump
Operations • Homeland Security
(318) 675-2255 |
Sergeant Tamara Kendrick
Operations • Patrol
(318) 675-2170 |
Sergeant Michael King
Operations • Youth Services
(318) 681-0771 |
Lieutenant Donnie Laney
Administrative • Civil
(318) 681-0862 |
Manager Ashley Lanier
Detention • CCC Medical
(318) 677-5270 |
Lieutenant Erik Lawrence
Administrative • Internal Affairs
(318) 681-0848 |
Captain Avery Leary
Operations • Training
(318) 681-0742 |
Lieutenant Tony LeBlanc
Operations • Homeland Security
(318) 675-2255 |
Director Justine Lister
Detention • CCC Jail Records
(318) 677-5254 |
Captain Darin Marshall
Operations • Detectives - CID
(318) 427-9435 |
Lieutenant Ondray Miles
Operations • Patrol
(318) 681-1159 |
Lieutenant Robert Montoya
Detention • CCC Corrections/Security
(318) 677-5254 |
Lieutenant James Moore
Detention • CCC SIU
(318) 677-5308 |
Lieutenant Jason Morgan
Operations • Detectives - CID
(318) 681-0712 |
Sergeant James Norwood
Operations • Patrol
(318) 464-9637 |
Lieutenant Roderick Perry
Operations • Patrol
(318) 681-1139 |
Sergeant Ralph Phillips
Detention • CCC Booking
(318) 677-5254 |
Sergeant Robert Presley
Operations • Patrol
(318) 681-0772 |
Manager Sabrina Raborn
Detention • Re-Entry Center
(318) 841-0473 |
Lieutenant David Robinson
Operations • Operations - Records
(318) 681-0648 |
Captain Gilbert Roraback
Detention • CCC Administration
(318) 677-5254 |
Lieutenant Leonard Scoggins
Operations • Patrol Staff
(318) 681-1120 |
Sergeant Rodney Spikes
Operations • Patrol Staff
(318) 681-0725 |
Sergeant Kevin Stewart
Operations • Operations - Records
(318) 681-0647 |
Sergeant Felix Thomas
Operations • Identification/CSI
(318) 681-0641 |
Lieutenant Zachery Thomas
Detention • CCC Corrections/Security
(318) 677-5264 |
Manager Jeremy Thompson
Administrative • Information Technology
(318) 681-0678 |
Sergeant Leroy Turner Jr
Detention • CCC Corrections/Security
(318) 677-5264 |
Lieutenant Michael Vaitkus
Operations • Patrol
(318) 681-1116 |
Director Steven Viola
Operations • Fleet Maintenance
(318) 681-1106 |
Lieutenant Carlos Walker
Detention • Bailiffs
(318) 677-5254 |
Sergeant Dexter White
Operations • Patrol
(318) 681-0755 |
Lieutenant Maurice Whitten
Detention • CCC Transportation
318677 |
Sergeant Durrell Williams
Detention • CCC Corrections/Security
(318) 677-5254 |
Director Brian Wilson
Administrative • Information Technology
(318) 681-0693 |
Sergeant John Witham, Jr.
Operations • Narcotics-OCD
(318) 427-9432 |
Sergeant Christopher Woods
Operations • Patrol
(318) 677-5254 |
Sergeant Tabatha Wynn
Operations • Patrol
(318) 510-4785 |