Our Location
Make a Request
Public records in the custody of the Caddo Parish Sheriff's Office (CPSO), and which are not in storage, are generally located at, or available through, the CPSO Records Division in the Caddo Parish Courthouse in downtown Shreveport, the CPSO Administrative Offices in Government Plaza in downtown Shreveport or at the Caddo Correctional Center located on Forum Drive in Shreveport. These offices are open from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Persons seeking public records can make a request in person during regular office hours or submit a request by mail to the following address:
Caddo Parish Sheriff's OfficeAttention (Example): Criminal Records, Internal Affairs, Personnel, etc.
Fees for records requests will be charged by fee schedule in accordance with R.S. 44:32 (C)
You may submit a public records request online by clicking the button below.
Public Records Request Online Form
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